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You Are...What?

Writer's picture: Kat ArtemisKat Artemis

How do you describe yourself?

Do you ever find that how you describe yourself doesn't seem to be reflected back to you in your life?

A quick way to observe how you see yourself and what is being reflected back to you is to start by paying attention to what comes after “I“ when you are speaking.

Because those are very powerful words.

I know someone who has the hardest time with her relationships and work situations. Let's call her Jane. Jane cannot understand why everything is "against" her. She believes that she is happy and the world is the problem.

Jane doesn't understand that her words are creating her life. Words like:

  • I am fearful that...

  • I hate when...

  • I don't like...

  • I can't stand...

  • I am not happy about...

  • I feel bad about...

  • I am so sick of...

  • I am done with...

  • I am over that...

  • I can't even with...

  • I am so annoyed by...

  • I don't understand why...

At any given time, in any given conversation with her, these are the phrases that she uses.

Our dominant words and thoughts are always reflected back to us in our relationships and life situations. What we believe we perceive. Always.

Jane has not yet learned that her problem is not anywhere except in her own thoughts. Jane is simply seeing in material form what her words are creating.

I am not judging Jane. I used to be just like her. I saw everything that was wrong, put it on repeat in my conversations, and then wondered why I always felt so depleted and sad deep down even when I said I was "happy".

A simple shift in the words I used daily created a simple shift in my energy. Instead of saying what I didn't like, I started saying what I did like. And instead of saying what annoyed me, I started saying what I thought was interesting and informative. I quit talking about what I feared and started talking about what empowered me. Instead of talking about being "over" someone, I talked about lovingly letting them go. I changed my dialogue.

And then my life started to change.

My inner world started to match my outer world. When I said I was happy, I found that the world around me was a happy place to be. When I described myself as loving, empathetic, and compassionate, I found that my life really did reflect those attributes.

All it took was shifting negative words to positive words. Focusing on the positive in a situation (even challenging situations) instead of the negative. Even the worst situations can draw you closer to God.

Instead of using negative words and phrases, I use the words that I really want to be and feel. I let myself experience them in the present tense. And I practice this every single day.

You can do this too.

Think of how you describe yourself and your life. Then, choose the words in all of your interactions that reflect who you want to be and how you want to live.

When you focus on the positive aspects and appreciation of what you want to become, you will bring it to you. You will literally start to see those words come to life around you.

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